Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Aurora Borealis // Revontulet

am so happy and excited to say that I just saw the Northern Lights // Aurora Borealis!!! I swear every one of the exchange students here in Finland were posting that they were seeing them throughout all of Finland and I was so upset when I stepped outside and saw nothing! Thinking I wouldn't see them this time I just went about my business.... that was until I heard they were spotted rather close by to where I live. I then went to my host dad and asked him if I could go for a walk in search of them, and instead he offered to give a ride to the country (where there's no city lights) and go search for them with me! And so we layered our clothes and hoped in the car and drove off into the country in hope that we would find something. And sure enough! After waiting in the dark (or as dark as we could find close by a city) we saw them!!!

They were absolutely INCREDIBLE and left me speechless! As we were just standing there in silence, watching the beautiful lights dance across the sky I prayed a small prayer and simply thanked God for this beautiful world he has created! Right after, one of my favorite verses popped in my head.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. he has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet the cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." -Ecclesiastes 3:11

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