I have to admit that, yes, I have been a bit more distant these last few weeks from my blog. I can promise that I haven't forgotten to post and definitely haven't lost interest... I've just been busy! Last week I moved in with my 3rd (and last) host family and this past week I've been settling in and adjusting to a new, but old lifestyle. It's definitely a really weird concept to think that this is now my last host family and the last move I made until I move again back home to the states this summer! Overall though, I'm feeling good with everything and I've been really enjoying my time here a lot. Much change has happened lately with a lot of different things, both big and small, but I know the change is beneficial and God has a plan with everything. As for now, I'm simply enjoying each new day as it comes along... trying to worry about tomorrow, well,
when tomorrow comes!
NOW, let's get to the more fun/interesting part of this post! It's definitely been a change of every day lifestyle in my new family but we get along great and I've really enjoyed getting to know them. I was welcomed by this darling sign that my 14 year old host sister, Venla, made and hung up in my new room! Along with settling in and unpacking, I've put up some posters in my room which I made sure to snap a few pics of.
Over my first full weekend in my new family I ended up finding myself staying rather busy. On Friday (15.3) night I had gone to the movies with a friend from school and we saw Les Miserables which I have been so eager to see ever since I heard they were making a movie! The movie ended up being really long.. but absolutely incredible! I loved it! I was rather surprised by the fact that there was barely any speaking parts in the movie but instead mainly singing//the musical score. Of course though, that's too be expected from the story and so I was still quite happy with how it turned out. After the movie finished I was still able to meet up with a good friend for a short while and visit before having to go back home.. which ended up being a really nice way to end the evening! The next morning on Saturday (16.3) my host dad took me and my host brother skiing for the day which was quite the experience. This was only mu 3rd time doing downhill and it's still something I wouldn't say it's my favorite. On the contrary, my host dad was able to teach me some technique which helped me a ton and I'd say I ended up doing pretty well for the day.. that was until I ran straight into a complete stranger with full force knocking us both off of our ski's! It was horrible! But, thankfully we both survived without either of us being actually hurt so I guess that is all that really matters. When we returned I was pretty tired but it ended up being okay because we had a nice, but relaxed evening at home with the family. My host parents ordered pizza and later enjoyed sauna. It was super chill but also yet again, another great way to end the day!
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