Tuesday, July 16, 2013

District meeting, 1410: Goodbye Party

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” 
― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh
Last weekend my Rotary district had a meeting at a small island called Ruissalo, where we had actually also had our first "welcome party" at the beginning of our exchange year. Only this time, we (as in myself, and the others who came in August) were now considered to be "oldies" and we had our small bunch of "newbies" who had arrived in January. And although I have to admit it was quite weird being there, knowing it's the end of our year and knowing we soon have to face all of these goodbye's, it was still such an incredible day filled with great friends, laughter, exploring, many photographs, and so on.

Along side snapping candid's of my friends throughout the day, 
I was also able to pull some people aside and take some portrait shots as well. 
Honestly, it's so great having friends who are so lovely & photogenic, 

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